Refresh Button On Acer Chromebook-Try Different Uses!

Have you heard about the refresh button different Chromebook are getting these days? Well, if not, you will get to know me in this post. But if you do, you might be looking for different uses of the refresh button on Acer Chromebook. Because Acer Chromebook is more advanced these days and has this feature more randomly than others.

But it’s not what I meant that the others don’t have. They do, and that’s why it could be a little troublesome to find out where we can use this feature. But in case you have started searching for that, I have made it easier for you. 


Just stick with me till the end, and I will teach you the different uses of the refresh button you have on your Acer Chromebook. Without wasting time, let’s get started!

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When Did The Refresh Button Be First to Add To Chromebooks?

The refresh button was first added to Chromebooks in March 2013. Google had used an asterisk to indicate the ability to refresh the pages in the browser and had placed a large “R” underneath the addresses bar in the operating system. 


The asterisk could be clicked to put the browser into maintenance mode, in which the user could clear the cache and cookies and refresh the pages. 

It was done by hitting Ctrl+shift+r, and this key combination is still used for refreshing the pages in the Chrome browser.

What Is The Basic Function Of Refresh Button On Your Acer Chromebook?

The basic function of the refresh button on your Acer Chromebook is to refresh the tab or application if all of your tabs on your Chromebook get refreshed.


Like the button’s name, as the refresh button is named, it will refresh everything. 

Moreover, you will notice that it is totally new each time you refresh a page, unlike when you press the back button. 

The refresh button is especially useful when you want to find something new on a website and want it to be presented in a new window or page, like when searching for certain information on the web.

Where To Find The Refresh Button On Acer Chromebook?

The refresh button can be found on your Chromebook’s keyboard. It is a blue button between the forward-slash button and the search button. 

To Identify, it has a circular arrow around it and will refresh your open windows. 

It can be useful for students when you need to open a new window for a new information page. You need to click it once, and your job is done. 

Is It Okay To Press The Refresh Button Again And Again On My Chromebook?

If you keep pressing the Refresh Button On Your Acer Chromebook again and again, you will notice that the opened pages or windows will be getting refreshed in the same way and at the same time. 

Therefore, it’s not necessarily required to push this button again and again but only when you need to refresh your current window.

How To Refresh Chromebook?

You can refresh a Chromebook by pressing the Refresh Button given on its keyboard. It will be a quick method to get things back to normal. 

However, if you don’t find any, you can right-click on the screen and find the refresh feature from there. 

For What Purposes Can I Use The Refresh Button?

You can perform different tasks inside the same Chromebook using a refresh button given on its keyboard. 

It is much easier to do things when you perfectly know the exact keyboard keys you need to press to access the information. 

So, here are some possible scenarios where you can use the refresh button of your Chromebook.

1: For Resetting The Hard Disk:

In this method, you basically restart your computer in such a way as it completely disconnects all the connections between your Chromebook Bios and the Applications That are running on it. 

It usually happens when you face the problem of restarting the Chromebook when it is frozen because it gets completely frozen. Therefore, the refresh button is the best thing to use at this time and bring your Chromebook back to life. 

To perform this, you need to turn off your Chromebook first. Then press and hold the power button plus refresh button both simultaneously. 

You need to hold it for almost 3 to 5 seconds. When the Chromebook turns on, leave the refresh button and let the Chromebook work. It will solve your problem.

2: For A Powerwash

You can also use the Refresh Button on a Chromebook for performing a quick Powerwash. 

Powerwash is basically something that brings your Chromebook back to the new-old life it used to have once when you bought it first. 

You can try the key combination of Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Refresh and give your Chromebook a power wash. In this way, you would be able to bring a new soul into your machine.

However, there are many other alternative uses of this refresh button that you can have for performing different actions on your Acer Chromebook.

What To Do If My Chromebook Stuck On Chrome Screen?

If something like this happens with your Chromebook and its screen gets stuck, you can use the refresh button to refresh it. Or you can perform a hard reset. I can make sure that this will definitely work out.

How To Restart Chromebook Without Power Button?

You can always use a refresh button to bring your Chromebook back to life. That’s because the refresh button works when you close your Chromebook by putting it to sleep. In this case, it will restart the Chromebook when you start it up again.

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Final Thoughts:

A refresh button on Acer Chromebook or any other Chromebook is the best feature you can use for multiple computing purposes. Once you have found it on the keyboard of your Chromebook, things will be different and easier than before.

So, you must use this feature maximum to take advantage of it. However, if you have any more questions, you may ask in the comment section. Thank you so much for reading this out. Have a very nice day!

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