Why Is My Chromebook Screen Glitching?-(Fixing Screen Glitching)

While working nonstop on your Chromebook laptop, you might sometimes face screen glitching or flickering issues. More often, it also happens when you open your laptop and give it a start. Well, if you have searched for lots of blogs and websites looking for the answer to the question about why is my Chromebook screen glitching and haven’t got any solid answers yet, you have landed on the best platform to solve your today’s query. 

When you read this short piece of content in a little deep detail, you will be able to solve this problem for good.


So, without wasting more time, let’s take you into the solution I have figured out for you. Stick with me till the end, and you will be able to get an answer. Let’s get started!

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What Could Be The Possible Reasons For Your Chromebook Screen Glitching?

You will never be able to solve the problem if you don’t get to know what the actual problem is. Like, there could be several reasons if your Chromebook screen is glitching. 


And therefore, in order to find the perfect solution, you should have them on a list and know exactly what they could be. 

That’s why I have made a list of some possible reasons that could happen if your Chromebook screen glitches. 

When you install faulty software—Most commonly, this problem occurs because the software installed by the user could be defective or not in a position to run perfectly on your device. The software is not compatible with the Chrome OS, and hence it causes the screen glitching.


When the Chromebook doesn’t shut down ideally—If the machine is not shut down properly, then this will also cause the screen glitching. It will create some files in the system, creating a conflict. 

Graphics card compatibility—Another culprit for this is a graphic card. Chromebooks have Intel graphic cards, and when you try to play some heavy games on them, the graphic card itself heats up, and the screen glitches. 

The same thing happens when you try to play videos on YouTube.

Virus or malware—Moreover, any virus can come from the internet while surfing or entering your data into it. 

In this case, the virus affects the normal working of different applications. It makes your system experience a screen glitching problem.

There might be other reasons for this happening. But the most common would always be the same. 

Therefore, you need to fix this issue before making your Chromebook perform decently and without experiencing this type of issue. 

Chromebook Screen Glitching Problems-Let’s Fix it:

Below, I will tell you about what you can perform on your Chromebook to fix this screen glitching issue. The items are very simple and easy to achieve if you pay a little focus. 

Let’s take a look at what you can do in this regard?

Check If The Issue Fixes After Removing External Devices:

You can fix the issue by removing the external device connected with your Chromebook. In this regard, you need to perform these operations specifically. 

  • First, you need to remove all the USB devices and any other media devices connected with your Chromebook. You will also be disconnected from the non-essential devices, including your external hard drives.
  • Once you have done this, turn on your Chromebook to check if this fixes the issue. You will see that the screen glitching problem you faced before has gone now. And you can use your Chromebook without any issues.

However, if this issue remains the same even after doing this, you need to go to the next step. 

Check If The Issue Fixes After Performing A Hardware Reset:

You will need to perform a complete hardware reset to fix the screen glitching issue in this step. Here, you can do the following things to solve this problem. 

  • Click the power button with the combination of the refresh button given on the keypad of your Chromebook. You need to press it for at least 4 to 5 seconds. It will let your computer turn off and then automatically turn on. 
  • However, if it doesn’t turn on by itself, you can press the power button again to turn it on. 
  • You will see that this will fix the issue of your screen glitching problem with the Chromebook you have. 

Please Note: You don’t need to worry about performing this step on your laptop. It will not delete the local files or discard any necessary settings.

But it will only force the system to disconnect the connection between BIOS and Software. Then it will establish them again, making sure your computer comes to a new life clearing all the distortion.

However, if the problem remains the same, you can try the next step. 

Check If The Problem Fixes After Performing A Virus Scan:

In this step, you need to install any good antivirus software or perform a complete virus scan of your system if you already have one pre-installed.

It will check all the software and files to see if there is any problem with anyone and needs a fix. Your virus problem will be automatically fixed when performing this security scan.

Now, hopefully, any of these methods will fix your Chromebook screen glitching problem.

But in case if the issue remains even after performing all these methods, you need to check your Chromebook with any computer expert.

Or go to the community support of your Chromebook brand to make sure what could be the possible things that would fix this issue. They will indeed help you out in this regard.

Also Learn: How to Reset a School Chromebook? 

Final Thoughts:

Thanks to you if you considered opening this post while finding your answer to the query of why is my Chromebook screen glitching. I hope I have made myself clear and provided you with a complete solution in this regard. You can use these methods and apply them with your Chromebook to check if anything will fix this issue.

However, if you don’t do it, you can either do the last saying I have said or use the comment box to reach me. I will make sure you get the proper answer to your asked query.

In the end, if you like the information, please share it with those who need it. Moreover, keep reading to find more. Have a blessed day!

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